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View Existing Suppliers


Information for suppliers that are listed in NUFinancials can be viewed directly in NUFinancials or by using the Cognos reporting tool (SC025 – Vendor Info Query) expanded search. Please view the Preferred Vendors webpage prior to requesting a new code to search Preferred Vendors that may also be accessible via the iBuyNU Marketplace. Note that you may need additional access to log into and use the tools below (for example, you will need access to the Cognos Supply Chain folder for the SC025 report).

NUFinancials Look-up

  1. Log into NUFinancials using the
  2. Navigate to Navigator > Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Review Suppliers
  3. The Review Suppliers module will offer various search options, including Name, Address, City/State, and Vendor ID among other options.
    (Tips: (a) change the search fields from ‘Equal to’ to ‘Contains’ and reduce the number of characters (e.g. exclude Inc.) to broaden search results; (b) entering data into fields will limit search results – for example, you can enter a city along with name to limit results).
  4. After you’ve entered information into the fields, click ‘Search’ to see the results which will appear below the search options.

Cognos SC025 Report*

  1. Log into the
  2. Navigate to Financial (link at left) > Purchasing tab (at top) > Vendor Add/Maintenance > Vendor Look-up (you will need access to the Cognos Supply Chain folder).
  3. Click on the Vendor Look-up hyperlink which will open a new page with the header ‘SC025 - Vendor Info Query - Expanded Search’; below the header will be various search options/filters. Click search to see each result after keyword entry.
    (Tips: (a) change the search fields from ‘Starts with’ to ‘Contains’ and reduce the number of characters (e.g. exclude Inc.) to broaden search results (click ‘Options’ under each keyword search box); (b) entering data into fields will limit search results – for example, you can enter an address along with name to limit results; (c) remember to click the ‘Insert’ button to let the system know what you’d like to see in the report).
  4. After you’ve entered information into the fields and inserted the applicable results into ‘Choice’, click ‘Finish’ at the bottom of the page; Cognos will navigate to a new page with details for the vendor in the search. (inactive vendors will show up as blank in the report)

(*Note – you may also access the SC025 report from Cognos, navigation: Public Folders ‎> Finance Facilities and Research Administration ‎> School ‎> Supply Chain)

Unable to Locate Supplier?

If you are unable to locate a supplier using the above noted search options, but believe that the supplier should be in the system, please contact the Vendor File Management Team at the number listed below for assistance.

Need to Request a New Supplier?

Prior to requesting a new supplier, please visit the Preferred Vendors webpage to search Preferred Vendors that may also be accessible via the iBuyNU Marketplace. To request a new supplier code, please use the current form available in the


General Vendor File Management 
Phone: 847-491-4707

See resources, forms, and other information related to Vendor Management.