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International Classroom Partnering Grants

The Office of the Vice President for International Relations invites faculty applications for $3,000 classroom partnering grants. This is an opportunity to collaborate with faculty at Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ's international partner institutions and at Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ in Qatar (NU-Q) to provide cross-cultural, global opportunities for virtual student learning and engagement during the academic school year.

Short-term goals

  • Deepen relationships with Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ's international partners.
  • Provide Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ students (graduate or undergraduate) with cross-cultural, curriculum-based experiences with their peers abroad.
  • Recognize faculty commitment to providing Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ students with opportunities to gain the competencies necessary to become engaged global citizens.

Long-term goals

  • Create regularly offered courses that will provide students with opportunities to build their global perspectives and intercultural competencies "at home." Such courses could provide greater access to global learning for students lacking the financial means or the time in their programs to spend a quarter or more abroad. Or, as they build students' intercultural confidence and interest, these courses may become an entry point to study abroad for students who may not have previously considered it.
  • Increase the number of Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ faculty collaborating across borders, particularly with our partner institutions abroad.

Proposal considerations and criteria

  • Collaborative activities must involve faculty and students from one or more partner institutions (see below) and incorporate an international dimension to students' classroom experience.
  • Ideas for cross-institutional, cross-cultural experiences might include joint student discussions and discussion boards, joint assignments, peer tutoring (in language classes, for example), longer-term group projects (4-6 weeks, for example), or other relevant activities designed by faculty members.
  • Proposals for graduate or undergraduate courses are welcome.
  • Proposed faculty collaborators are not required to be teaching the same class, or to be teaching in the same disciplinary area.
  • Faculty partners need to discuss and plan for: academic calendars (including national holidays, etc.), communicating across time zones, language barriers, access to various technological platforms, and/or internet service.
  • Guest lectures by the faculty partners in each other's classes are encouraged.
  • Joint icebreaking activities for the students and faculty members are strongly suggested.
  • Recurring courses that faculty teach regularly are suggested. Courses must take place in the Fall, Winter, or Spring Quarters.
  • A small committee comprised of faculty and staff will review each proposal.
  • Kim Rapp, Assistant Vice President for International Relations is available to discuss ideas and help identify potential faculty collaborators at our partner institutions.

Partner institutions

Proposals to collaborate with institutions listed here or with universities that have the potential to become long-term partners within a multilateral framework will be considered, but NU-Q and the following partners with existing institutional and curricular relationships with Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ are preferred:

  • Bocconi University, Italy
  • FGV - Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil
  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • University of Hong Kong
  • University of Ghana
  • National Taiwan University
  • National University of Singapore
  • Peking University, China
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Sciences Po, France
  • Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • University of Hamburg, Germany
  • University of Münster, Germany
  • Universidad Panamericana, Mexico
  • Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, France

Grant details

  • Classroom partnering grants of $3,000 each will be awarded to up to 10 Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ faculty members.
  • The grant will be paid in two installments: $2,000 at the time of the award announcement, and $1,000 at the end of the course, after receipt of a short evaluation of the project.
  • The grant will be awarded as either supplemental pay or research funds, subject to approval.
  • Grant funding will not be provided to the partner institution faculty member except in special circumstances.

How to apply

Submit proposals (maximum of two pages) by email to Kim Rapp, Assistant Vice President for International Relations.

Please include:

  • Existing (or proposed) Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ course number, title, description, and quarter to be taught
  • Partner institution name, faculty partner name, partner's course title, and description
  • Expected enrollment on both sides
  • Description of joint activities, including how students will engage with one another, online platforms to be used, the number and timing of meetings/activities, rubric for how joint projects will be evaluated/graded, and expected outcomes of bringing students from the different courses together.
  • A draft syllabus may be included as an addendum to the proposal, and thus exceed the two-page maximum


Rolling, until funds are expended

Previous Awardees and Projects
